
Digital Manufacturing. SME. Smart Factory. Industry 4.0

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'Our mission is to transform manufacturing SMEs to the next-generation factories'

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Flexible Production

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Smart Factories

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Industry 4.0

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Rapid digitalization


Solutions to complete your data collection and information layer

We provide an integrated PLM/MES-solution to complete your digital manufacturing infrastructure (cloud based / SaaS solution)


Services to define your roadmap and to add intelligence

We help SMEs to define their smart factory roadmap. We offer customized data analytics services and prepared decision making models for intelligent production planning to bring intelligence to manufacturing SMEs.


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Dirk van Driel

Background in Industrial Engineering & Management started his career as Data Analyst and progressed in Operations and Supply Chain Management. Built multiple local factory sites in various manufacturing disciplines with state-of-the-art digital support.

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Murat Firat

Assistant Professor position at Open University. Extended his research topics adding Artificial Intelligence and recently concentrating on Smart Manufacturing applications under Industry 4.0. Intensive industry collaborations with multiple smart manufacturing SMEs on intelligent production planning.

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Software development company located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Developed a generic PLM/MES-suite used both in development and manufacturing companies. Industries using their solution are active as OEM, electronics manufacturer, cable&wiring, injection moulding, cleanroom assembly.

One click away
from your future factory